Thou Without Sin, Cast the First Stone

“So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” ‭‭- John‬ ‭8:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

High school failure. 


Yup. All parts of me. All a part of my personal testimony. All things that have made me who I am today. You will see words with strikethrough marks because, this is a part of who I WAS, but by grace, they no longer define me.

Who and what is Sincerely Yours, Lydia? It’s a testimonial of God’s glory in my life. It’s a way to help the next person remember that, you are NOT alone. It’s for the guy or gal that has been told that because of their past, they cannot be anything. It’s for the person who is trying to go from being Saul to Paul. It is for the person who many have cast a stone at in judgment.

Yup. I am a sinner. The word of God says in Romans, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). There is not ONE person who is more righteous than the other. We are all on the same wavelength. However, I strive daily to be sanctified and made righteous through Christ. It is not my own doing. As the weeks continue, I will unfold different parts of my life story. But let’s get back to this woman that was almost stoned to death.

Stoned to death? Like, WHAT? As you can see, back in the day, they were “wilding out”. The Pharisees (some judgmental, self-righteous, hypocritical folk) wanted to trap Jesus by seeing if he would command them to stone a woman who they caught in adultery. For those who do not know what adultery is, it is sleeping with a married man or woman.

So the Original Gangster Jesus Christ was like, if you haven’t sinned at all in your life, cast the first stone. As you continue to read in John 8, the old people walked away first (because they have been sinning since before Christ) and then the rest walked away. It was only left with Jesus and the woman.

Let’s take a pause. I am not saying go and sleep with someone’s husband or wife. Please I beg, don’t go and tell your Pastor that Lydia says “I can commit adultery because thou without sin cast the first stone”. I will find you and give you a Holy Ghost blow. But King Jesus takes it ONE step further…

He says, “GO NOW AND LEAVE YOUR LIFE OF SIN(John 8:11). Therefore, I beg, if you are a husband or wife snatcher, stop it. Okay? Let’s take a pause here. It can be very hard to leave a life of sin. I lived a life of “intentional” sin for a HOT minute. Maybe 8-9 years of my life. The beautiful thing is, no matter how big or small your number may be, God is always available to help you in the process of restoration.

If there is anyone that would like to begin that process or continue it, say this prayer:

Jesus, I come to you, surrendering my will and my way to you. I am not able to give up this life of sin alone. I need your help. I know it will not be an easy journey, but I know that you are a God of restoration. Father, make me whole again. Touch and transform me. Cause me to see your purpose for my life and give me the strength to pursue purpose instead of pleasure. I thank you in advance for the work that you are doing in me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

To learn more about my life journey, the life journey of others and be encouraged through the word, come back each week, on Mondays, at 1:48pm for a re-up.

Sincerely Yours, Lydia.

7 thoughts on “Thou Without Sin, Cast the First Stone

  1. Thanks for sharing such an inspired story of your life and how Jesus has transformed you. I confidently believe that if we commit our sins to the Lord in prayer, He is faithful and loyal to forgive our sins and not impute them on us any longer. We are saved but not condemned in Christ Jesus.

  2. To say your truth of where you have been is extremely difficult- one is most vulnerable at this point…but God’s strength always shines through most beautifully. Thank you so much for sharing this truth with us.

  3. Love this…A reminder that the grace and mercy of God never discriminate against humanity. Thank God for JESUS! He has set the pace for all to come to the father just as we are. No need to analyze how HE transforms a person from a deplorable and sinful nature to an admirable and righteous lifestyle. You must want it and acknowledge your weakness and He will do the rest.
    I have my salvation story, just as sister Lydia shared hers. He redeems, restores and rewards once we surrender to Him wholeheartedly. Even in our daily struggles, He is there to hold us. God bless you sis for sharing!

  4. Wow! I am not much of a reader but I just couldn’t get my eyes of reading your post. God bless u for inspiring others!!

    1. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy more of the content brought forth. God bless you and keep you and lead you!

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